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3 Elements to consider when designing a CX survey


Nowadays consumers are at the center of every business decision. With continuously changing customer needs, it is critical for businesses to measure customer experiences. There are many things to consider before implementing a customer experience measurement program. Choosing the right data collection method is one of the integral part of a CX program. Here’s why.    

  • Data Collection Methodology

Data collection methods and metrics that businesses use to get customer feedback, can vary based on company project objectives, target audience, timeliness and budget. Some are looking to survey a huge number of customers in a small amount of time with a tight budget.  Some want to have a direct, personal and professional conversations with your customers to find out their reactions to the interaction they had with you.  No matter what the objective is, choosing the right data collection method is crucial part of a CX program. Each data collection method comes with unique advantages and disadvantages.

  • Response Rate

One of the main KPI’s of every CX program is response rate.  Let’s face it, what’s the point of running a CX program if you’re not getting enough feedback? Companies need a statistically valid sample size to investigate the data to get a clear understanding about their customers. Response rates are influenced by the data collection method that you choose to use along with survey design, timing etc.

  • Audience Representation

Data collection methodology and response rates also impact to the sample representation. It is necessary for businesses to have a sufficient cross section of their customers to investigate their happy, unhappy and more importantly neutral consumers. Customers are especially motivated to share their feedback when they are extremely happy or extremely unhappy with the service or a product they received. However, neutral customers aren’t as enthusiastic about sharing their feedback. Phone interviews are known for collecting compliments, complains and everything in between providing feedback from a larger audience representation.

With your CX project objectives and program goals in mind, it is important to choose the right data collection method to get the maximum value out of your customer experience measurement program.

Written by Iresha Herath

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