SERVICE 800's average response rate is 60% with phone surveys.
Hear what your customers say and how they say it before you take action.
SERVICE 800 can talk to your customer in their preferred language no matter where they are in the world with native language speaking reps.
SERVICE 800's experienced reps will have a conversation with your customers and probe to get the information you need to take the right action.
SERVICE 800's phone surveys are built to efficiently measure customer feedback for global systems. We perform interviews in over 30 languages leveraging native language speaking representatives to ensure that your customers can communicate in their language with a native speaking representative.
SERVICE 800's process is different than most other phone survey companies. We will guide you through the journey of establishing a best in class customer survey. You'll have a dedicated customer relationship manager at your side the whole way through.
Set appropriate expectations and rely on SERVICE 800 to obtain accurate measurements of the goals you define. Phone surveys can also provide the ability to set focused targets on geographical locations and across departments.
Sometimes it’s not only what your customers say, but also how your customers say it. SERVICE 800's eVOICE recorded phone surveys provide full audio recordings of your interviews. You can listen to your customer's tone and emotion before taking any follow-up action.
SERVICE 800 clients regularly listen to interview recordings to add context. All Hot Sheet Alerts have a direct link to the recording of the conversation.
SERVICE 800's methodology goes beyond just asking a question and collecting a rating. Our tenured interviewers (Customer Representatives) are trained on your specific program and conduct personable and professional dialogs that draw out valuable feedback. For consistency and reliability, all Customer Reps are directly supervised by SERVICE 800 staff.
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